Buddhist Spiritual Care

Buddhist spiritual care and crisis management

Buddhist coordinators for spiritual care

SInce 2013-01-01 two competent Buddhist coordinators for spiritual care are active within the Swedish Buddhist Cooperation Council. The coordinator Trudy Fredriksson is responsible for contacts within the Mälardalen region and northern Sweden and Ekaterina Panovafor the contacts within South- and West of Sweden.

One of the main tasks of the coordinator is to be a liaison with hospitals in the geographical area of ​​responsibility, in matters relating to the needs of the Buddhist spiritual care and information about the specific needs of patients with a Buddhist faith.

Another main task is to compile and update contact lists of persons representing the Buddhist associations, who can be called to the hospital when a patient or his/her relatives so wishes.

Download and read more about the work of the Buddhist spiritual care in Sweden in our leaflet in PDF format:

Contact details

Trudy Fredriksson

Buddhist coordinator for spiritual care for Svealand and northern Sweden

Phone: +46 (0) 762 05 27 09

E-mail: trudy@buddhism-sbs.se

Ekaterina (Katja) Panova

Buddhist coordinator for spiritual care for the southern and western Sweden (Götaland)

Phone: +46 (0) 727 05 30 10

E-mail: katja@buddhism-sbs.se