2019-04-21 Statement in connection with the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka

Statement in connection with the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka 

- The Buddhist Cooperation Council of Sweden

We would like to express our sympathy and sorrow to the victims, their relatives and the people of Sri Lanka, in connection to the terrible terrorist attacks during Easter, one of the greatest celebrations for all Christians.

We Buddhists strongly condemn all forms of violent extremism and hateful deeds against our fellow human beings, regardless of their cultural and religious background. These abominable terrorist acts concern us all and contravene completely human values such as freedom, loving kindness, compassion and peaceful coexistence. We send our thoughts and prayers to those who have perished, the injured, and all others who suffered from the incomprehensible.

In such situations, it is of utmost importance to persistently stand up for the good, to work together for a caring culture to live in. We must continue to promote respect and loving understanding for each other so that we, our children and future generations can live in a more peaceful world.

Light manifestation on Thursday 25 April at. 16:00

Sergels Torg in Stockholm

Everyone is welcome to manifest together with us their your sympathy with the victims of the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. We stand united in the condemnation of violent extremism. We stand united in our desire that we, our children and future generations can live and work side by side for a peaceful world.

Please bring light or flower.(memory lights or electric candles only).

Organizer: The Buddhist Cooperation Council of Sweden in collaboration with the Interreligious Council of Sweden and the Interreligious Council in Stockholm.